Zucchini, Genovese
SKU: 628068771382
Full Sun
55 Days
Approx. 15 Seeds
Up to 12-24" tall90% Germination Rate (2023 test)
A prolific producer and a great option for smaller gardens. An Italian variety that has a pastel green colouration and no ribbing. The flavour and texture of this variety remains delicious even when overgrown.
Companions: Beans, Dill, Borage
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best in 25-35°C in soil with moderate moisture.
Plant Spacing : 18-24" apart. Row Spacing: 3-4' apart.
Transplant : Sow seed 1 inch deep indoors 4 weeks before planting date. Harden off plants by reducing temperatures and water. Plant outdoors or direct seed: once soil has warmed. Zucchini require rich, well-drained soil and plenty of moisture.