Washington Navel Orange
The Washington Navel Orange Tree is a hardy, strong, and easy to care for orange tree that is perfectly suited to add value to any garden, patio, or orchard. Popular for the juicy, sweet, large oranges, the Washington Navel is perfect for eating, juicing, or other culinary creations.
In California's mild climate, an evergreen Washington Navel tree is an excellent choice in the landscape. Self-fertile, the glossy, green leaves, bright orange fruits, and star-shaped, fragrant flowers stir the senses.
Growing fresh navel oranges requires minimal work. Order your Washington Navel tree today and enjoy life's sweet rewards.
Semi-Dwarf vs. Standard citrus trees:
The difference between a semi-dwarf tree and a standard tree is the mature height. Semi-dwarf citrus trees are smaller and grow to approximately two-thirds the size of a standard tree form. Depending on the position of the lower branches on the trunk, a semi-dwarf citrus can look like a bush with a short trunk, or a tree with a trunk.
The mature height of a Washington Navel Orange tree based on average growing conditions is:
Semi-Dwarf tree: 10-15 ft. tall.
Standard tree: 15-20 ft. tall.
In containers, the Washington Navel Orange tree will be smaller and can easily be pruned to maintain a desired size.
The mature height and fruit production of your citrus tree will depend on several environmental factors such as climate, light, soil type, texture, fertility and moisture, and pruning practices. Your citrus tree can easily be maintained at a smaller size with annual pruning.