Broccoli, Purple Peacock
SKU: 628068771108
Full Sun
70 Days
Approx. 100 Seeds
Up to 2’ tall97% Germination Rate (2023 test)
This cross between goliath broccoli and two colourful kales is a beautiful, eat-it-all plant producing tender kale-like leaves and delicious tender florets.
Companions: Carrots, Radish, Celery
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best in rich soil that is 18-29°C with even moisture.
Plant Spacing : 1-1.5' apart. Row Spacing: 1-1.5' apart.
Transplant: start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Sow 2-3 seeds at 1/2 inch depth and thin to keep the strongest seedling. Fertilize seedling every 7-10 days with a dilution of ¼ suggested strength.Direct Seed: 1 week before the last frost. Sow in midsummer for fallcrops.