Spinach, Bloomsdale
Full Sun
28 Days Baby, 50 Days Mature
Approx. 140 seeds
Open Pollinated
Large, deeply crinkled, dark green leaves. Fresh flavour and slow to bolt. Great in salads, smoothies, and stir fries. Seed from a small organic farm in British Columbia.
Companions: Eggplants, Leeks, Strawberries.Growing Instructions:
Germinates best at 0-15C in moist soil.
Plant Spacing : For baby leaf 40 seeds/ft in 2-4 bands that are 1-2” apart. For mature leaves, thin to 2” apart in rows 12-18” apart.
Direct seed 1/8”-1/4” deep as soon as soil can be worked in the spring, and again in the late summer-early fall. Seed germinates best when soil temperatures are 0-15°C and achieves the best quality when air temperatures are 12-15°C. Sow every 7 days for a continual harvest.