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Writer's picturesandrawernicke

Tips for Keeping Potted Mums Looking Great

If you have ever purchased a potted mum to decorate for fall, taken it home only to have it look tired or worn out in only a few weeks or worse die, then here are a few tips to ensure you have better success with your mums this season.

1. Never purchase your mums too early. Mums really like temperatures in the 60's or lower. The middle of September until early October is the optimum time to take home a beautiful fall mum. Extending warm temperatures cause the buds to open quickly or become damaged from the heat and this decreases the lifespan of the mum.

2. Pick out mums that have tight closed buds. Even though they aren't aggressively flowering, in the long run it will be a better purchase as they will bloom for a longer season.

3. Make sure your mums have sufficient water. Mums like to be moist but not saturated, so don't let them dry out. Placing a saucer under the pot will catch excess water that drains from the pot and allow the roots to suck up from the bottom. Water your potted mom at the base of the plant not from above. Watering above damages the flowers and causes them to brown prematurely.

4. Deadhead your mums by pinching off spent blooms. This will keep the plant looking


5. Mums like sun but do very well in part sun to part shade especially if it's very hot out for several days. Keep them in a sheltered area so they don't become wind battered.

6. If the forecast calls for snow, bring you mums inside until bad weather has passed. Heavy amounts of snow will bend the stems and leave your mum with an open center and gaping holes. They can handle frosts of up to minus 4.

By following these simple steps you can keep your mums looking great for up to 6 weeks so you can enjoy them right up until Halloween or longer.

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